

Our assessments service provides you with an in-depth understanding of personality traits, behavior, and work performance. We offer a wide range of assessments for employee selection, talent management, leadership development, and gap identification.

Berkman rating

Berkman rating

A valuable tool for improving performance and professional behavior, used globally in more than 40 countries with a multidimensional scientific framework developed over 50 years to increase the chances of success at work

Hogan's personal assessment

Hogan's personal assessment

A unique assessment tool used to understand personality and predict work performance

MBTI rating

MBTI rating

A popular tool for understanding personality and identifying personality patterns and behavioral preferences in various contexts, including work and personal life

Clifton Strengths Finder Assessment

Clifton Strengths Finder Assessment

It is a well-known tool used to discover and develop personal strengths in various contexts, both in work and personal life

Everything DiSC

Everything DiSC

A useful assessment tool used to understand patterns of behavior in a work environment and promote communication and collaboration between teams and individuals

Principles Us

Principles Us

A useful tool for understanding personal principles and applying them to work and personal life
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Caliper Profile

Caliper Profile

An assessment to measure personality traits and professional behavior. Used in employee selection, talent management, and leadership development